PAUD Teacher Education

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education



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Dr. Siti Wahyuningsih, M.Pd.
Head of Study Program


Welcome to the S1 PAUD Teacher Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta.

“To become a center for the development of science, technology, and art in the field of early childhood education with an international reputation based on the noble values of national culture.”

  1. Organizing innovative education and learning based on developments in the field of early childhood education;
  2. Conducting research that produces new findings in the field of early childhood education;
  3. Organizing community service activities in the field of early childhood education to improve the quality of education.
  1. Produce graduates who believe and are devoted to God Almighty with noble, intelligent, and skilled personalities in creating learning innovations to explore science and technology and express art, in the PAUD field according to their stages of development who are ready to become early childhood education graduates who have global insight, and are able to compete internationally.
  2. Produce innovative research works as a basis for developing science and technology in the field of early childhood education as a basis for solving problems in society to build Indonesia’s golden generation.
  3. Produce works of community service that are able to become solutions to practical problems in the field of Early Childhood Education.

Why Choose Early Childhood Education Study Program?

We offer a range of training packages in a range of subject areas and can offer blended learning opportunities to best meet your needs. If sitting in a room with a trainer and having the opportunity for discussion with other learners sounds good to you then we can offer this. If you prefer to study in your own time and at your own speed then one of our world class facilities.

If you prefer to study in your own time and at your own speed then one of our e-learning packages may be right up your street. There is a third option, which is you like the sound of both but perhaps can’t attend all training sessions, this is when blended learning comes into its own.

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